26 definitions by Naomi

As Justin and Dan Hawkins put it, "All music comes from the darkness, whether its fighting it or feeding off it."

Also one of my favourite bands in the world next to Razorlight and The Strokes.

Also, strangely enough and for a reason I cannot understand either, I love Justin!!! He's awsome, great vocals, exellent spandex cat suits and Les Pauls guitar. Justin also donated his suit from "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" video to raise money for the tsunami.

I think the Darkness is really growing on me!
(love is only a feeling, etc.)
by Naomi February 28, 2005
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little selfish green man who has l;ots of pots of gold
by Naomi February 8, 2005
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A phrase used to describe people who try all too hard to be different and alternative. They ususally have websites full of their angst filled poetry, and love to tell others of their "pain".
Goff: "I cry tears of blood, my heart is in the mud."

Naomi: "Jesus christ, you're well goff"
by Naomi September 2, 2004
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1) to irritate, pester or annoy
2) to make up
1) "she was really blagging me" or "he is such a blag"
2)"i blagged that whole english exam"
by Naomi January 26, 2005
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imma(imm-a) is the second conciousness power,the power the power of the mind to grasp, develop and integrate an idea.It is the inner spiritual power to hear, meditate upon and contemplate a truth untill it becomes fully internalized in one's conciousness.
Naomi had been so concentrated on her IMMA's that she could hear, touch and see these inner freinds thruogh the barrier of their different dimentions.
by Naomi October 24, 2003
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