23 definitions by Mustache Man
by Mustache Man February 27, 2005
I term with great meaning. AS confusing as it seems, it makes sense. The World is the All, and you are the One. Worlds existence, and ability to move forward is dependent on this law. With death, comes life, and with life comes death. Thr world is big, but little things like people and animals are what keeps it going. If you die, the world continues on, you will decompose, and become nutrients for plants, and herbivores eat those plants, and carnivores eat the herbivores, they die, and life starts over. The world always moves forward, a constant cycle. Life needs death...and death needs life.
by Mustache Man September 25, 2005
Also stands for Fooly Cooly, which is an anime show that is incredibly hard to comprehend, ecspecially at 1:30 in the morning, if you buy all three of the DVDs, and watch them in order, you will understand it ( I do...and it is incredibly hard to explain to other people), but if you watch more than two out of order, your head will explode. It is basically a part of life for a boy named Naota, who is....I guess...starting to enter puberty but he is in Elementary school...so I highly doubt it. Naotas older brother went to the US for baseball, and now his ex-girlfriend Mamimi, flirts with Naota alot. While walking, Naota is hit by a mysterious women on a Vespa, and she then gives him moutn to mouth. Later, Canti the robot pops out of his head. Anyway, the giant iron in the center of the city is Medical Meccanica, and if activated, it will steam roll the planet, flattening it out. BUt Haruko says yo Naota "Your head is the only one htat works", because his head is a sort of....worm hole, which, when Haruko hits him with her guitar, spawns a horn, which then turns into some....robot...which she then destroys...which is confusing. Going back, if Lord Canti eats Naota, he turns red, and gets a super charge, and in the 5th episode (Brittle Bullet), you discover that red Canti, is actually Atamyst (don't know how to spell it), which would normally be Harukos arch enemy, but she fell in love with hem. In that same episode, a giant hand comes out of Naotas head, and when it was defeated (coolest....fight....ever), it became inactive, the terminal core removed from it. A secret government agency is on to Harukos plans (she is an alien), and plans to stop her from getting what she wants, thus destroying the planet. So mamimi finds the terminal core, which fuses with Canti (who is a component of the core), who the eats Naota, and re-activates the giant hand, which would turn on the iron, but before the hand can grip the iron, Naota emerges with Atamysts power, and starts a guitar battle with Haruko, then Naota admits he loves her, then a bird (atamyst) emerges from his head, sucks up the hand, and flies away. Haruko, still seeking Atamyst, then leaves Naota and Earth. That is the end and story of Fooly Cooly. It is one of the best damn shows ever created, that and FullMetal Alchemist
Haruko-The game already started
Naota-Im not going
Hatuko-...It's Cantis first baseball game
Mamimi-....CANTI! *jumps on Haruos scooter and drives away*
Me-...waht the crap just happened?
Naota-Im not going
Hatuko-...It's Cantis first baseball game
Mamimi-....CANTI! *jumps on Haruos scooter and drives away*
Me-...waht the crap just happened?
by Mustache Man August 11, 2005
Stands for American Online, the crappiest internet service ever created in the history of the world. Supposedly corupts your hard-drive so you can using nothing BUT AOL
Mom look! its aol! 8mom pulls out .44 Magnum, shoots disc out of boys hand*
Mom in clint eastwood voice-so aol...is it five or six bullets? feeling lucky...punk?
Mom in clint eastwood voice-so aol...is it five or six bullets? feeling lucky...punk?
by Mustache Man March 2, 2005
"well...dad gets drunk and robs liquor stores, dad likes porn and 10 dollar whores, dad likes rubbing against little kids, on the bus...I think that is why mommy left us. Dad likkes football and lots of beer, dad wants sex that involves mommys rear, dads private parts have sores oozing with pus, i think thats why mommy left us
by Mustache Man March 5, 2005
The private from Red vs Blue. Stupid, yet very funny, a blue and is clad in blue armor, he loves sheila, and wants church to be his best friend
Sarge-Hello? Is anyone there? Do you read me? Do i read you? Anyone? Anybody?Nobody? Ok. well, looks like we're stuck here.
Caboose-...my toes are getting proony
*walk a little*
Caboose-Sarge! Look! A sleeping person!
Sarge-Holy Macaroon...he's not sleeping son, he's dead.
Caboose-Good, for a second there I thought he was me...because i am blue, and i like to sleep. but if he is dead, that can't possibly be me...that would be silly.
Tex-O'Mally is held up in this base, and he has been fortifying his defenses for a few days now, and he's got some help, one of those religous nuts you guys picked up
Caboose-OH! I liked them, they were funny.
Tucker-Caboose, they tried to kill you because of a flag
Caboose-I try not to think of the bad things about people
Tucker-thast all they did, there were no good things
Caboose-Thats ok...I have a really bad memory, WOW LOOK A BEACH!
Caboose-...my toes are getting proony
*walk a little*
Caboose-Sarge! Look! A sleeping person!
Sarge-Holy Macaroon...he's not sleeping son, he's dead.
Caboose-Good, for a second there I thought he was me...because i am blue, and i like to sleep. but if he is dead, that can't possibly be me...that would be silly.
Tex-O'Mally is held up in this base, and he has been fortifying his defenses for a few days now, and he's got some help, one of those religous nuts you guys picked up
Caboose-OH! I liked them, they were funny.
Tucker-Caboose, they tried to kill you because of a flag
Caboose-I try not to think of the bad things about people
Tucker-thast all they did, there were no good things
Caboose-Thats ok...I have a really bad memory, WOW LOOK A BEACH!
by Mustache Man February 27, 2005
The first human colony to fall to the Covenant. When it was found, it was found to be shiny and smooth, the result of plasma bombardment
Only one badly damaged ship returned from the search at harvest, speaking of an unstoppable alien force
by Mustache Man February 27, 2005