8 definitions by Morgan tee

a woman who rules her family or tribe
The leader was a matriarchal. A beastly one at that.
by Morgan tee January 29, 2008
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some extravagant, something that projects upward or outward from its surroundings.
Karen was salient at athletics, I thought she might go to the olympics.
by Morgan tee January 29, 2008
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made accostomed to something difficult or painful
She was around it so long she inured it.
by Morgan tee January 29, 2008
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lord or noble, alternate spelling of seigneurs.
McArthur was hardly a seignior.
by Morgan tee January 29, 2008
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approaching or intruding, especially in a gradual or sneaking way; advancing beyond customary limits.
She began to encroach on Marisas sandwich. But marisa caught her in time.
by Morgan tee January 29, 2008
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worthy of respect or reverence by reason of age and dignity, character, or position
My grandma is venerable, and deserved respect from my friends.
by Morgan tee January 29, 2008
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