6 definitions by Mollena

The reality of the eternal torment of middle-age, when you're unable to achieve a solid night's sleep because you have to get us to use the toilet repeatedly.
"It is a catch-22 situation: either I'm fighting a dehydration headache all day or I'm Pissyphus all night."
by Mollena October 8, 2023
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\ˈherdəmɔ rt/

The true name of Donald John Trump, Sr.: He Whose Coiffure Must Not Be Named.
In the run up to the 2016 election, one can't turn around without seeing Hairdemort engaging in yet another round of name-calling or jingoistic neofacism cloaked in the robes of pro-American sentiment.
by Mollena May 21, 2016
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The use of racist ideologies to explain and justify untenable positions.
"Chad explained to me that no Black or Hispanic people are members of his yacht cub because white people are the only race who don't fear water."

"Man, that sounds like Klansplaining to me."
by Mollena July 11, 2017
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A portmanteau of "trolling" and "hooliganism" it is the act of aggressively committing verbally violent acts of trolling for public sport.
"This dude for real out on these streets talmbout how a doctor told his friend that women with multiple sex partners can get semen stuck to their vaginas and become pregnant by the sperm of multiple men."

"YO. No doctor ever said that. That is some prime trolliganism right there!"
by Mollena July 29, 2021
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An individual who evinces blinding acumen in the field of douchebaggery so as to evoke the skill and dexterity necessary to execute double-dutch rope jumping tricks.
A mansplainer on the internet saw fit to explain thermodynamics to an astronaut since, of course, as a female, she couldn't possibly comprehend the mechanisms of liquids in vacuums...he reached epic DOuble Dutch Douchebaggery levels however by failing to understand the concept of "spontaneous reactions" and has never been heard from again.
by Mollena September 10, 2016
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A situation in which someone has taken out a loan on fucks and then defaulted, because they've given too many fucks to ever repay.
"Dude. my girl just dumped me AGAIN and I--"

"Profoundest apologies, my friend, but I fear I am unable to give a fuck about your tale of woe: you see, I've had to declare fuckruptcy in the wake of giving too many fucks about your shit last week."
by Mollena May 24, 2013
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