idiot Yes, Search up Idiot on any browser and you will see him! Also, he's a dick.
Donald John Trump is a Cocksucker.
by EggoWapples June 12, 2020
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A president who made cars more expensive by remaking NAFTA in a bad way while doing useless stuff his supporters and him like. He made Hispanics scared.
Donald John Trump is a bad, bad leader.
by Qorptocx December 23, 2018
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Trump is a 74 year old white man who was the president of the United States from 2017 to 2021. Trump is racists, sexist, ageist, he does not support LGBTQ+ members, he almost started world war lll And lets not forget he r*ped girls and woman, witch is not ok
Someone: "i support trump"

Me: "DON'T"
Me: "Donald John Trump is not a good man"
by Madi16 February 21, 2021
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Donald j Trump is the 45 president of America and won against the Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016.
by Red_is_sus November 16, 2020
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Donald John Trump is the richest president in the US and has currently served his 1st term and will be serving 4 more years. He is the 45th president in the US and hes the 3rd president to be impeached. Donald Trump was born in June 14, 1946 in New York. Trumps net worth is $2.5 Billion and his children are Ivanka Trump, Barron Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Tiffany Trump, Eric Trump. He won the 1st election by memes which was fascinating and also called the people going against him names which actually worked and everyone started using them. Usually people dislike The Donald because "hes racist" and "hes sexist" but hes not actually racist or sexist. Many African Americans and woman support Donald J Trump because of BLM and Antifa riots ruining the United States. Woman supported Donald Trumps presidency because they see him as a strong man and very confident of his words, they see him as a good role model for their children and good for their family.
Donald John Trump is a really good president, I hope he wins next election to kill off china's cock sucker hoe biden.
by DJTrumputin September 22, 2020
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