31 definitions by Mimi

Ok Go

The best band in the whole enitre world, feauturing awesome songs, great looking members and a cool CD cover. What more could you want?
Me: Look Mom it's OK GO on TV!
Mom: Who's on TV?
Me: OK GO!
Mom: Excuse me? I don't like that attitude...
Me: OK GO!
Me: OK GO!
by Mimi December 18, 2004
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Those shoes are whoa!
by Mimi January 22, 2003
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home wrecker

a female (usually) who is trying to steal a man from another woman.
That home wrecker stole my man!!
by Mimi June 10, 2003
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'dum' is slang for dumb.
by Mimi April 16, 2004
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A fanfiction term meaning the opposite of cannon. Something totally made up by the readers/watchers.
In Harry Potter, harry and Ginny have a fannon relationship
by Mimi April 17, 2004
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an animal that has a primative notochord or a more advanced spinal chord.
lampreys, lancelets, sharks, humans, and other vertebrates
by Mimi June 13, 2003
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boo boo

1 The name of someone you care about,like a child or your man
2 a name a girl will call yah if you say sumthin she think is wrong
1 Hey boo-boo, i missed you!; Look at dat lil boo boo rite dea, she is so cute
2 Uh-uhhh boo boo you wrong fa dat one
by Mimi August 22, 2004
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