37 definitions by Mic

A child hood game that often makes no since what so every. Such as this one that i heard just yesterday.

Knock knock, whos there, bannan, bannan who, arent you glad i didnt say orange?
Noo! i wish you wouldnt have say anyhting at all!
by Mic August 6, 2004
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A rapper born in the 80's from the 805, in which is a prodigy.
MIC-MC is The Child Prodigy.
by Mic February 10, 2004
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A fresh batch of shity pooh!
Mother, I just took a pooh pohh, want to see?
by Mic August 6, 2004
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someone who steals ones identity (anything from haircut, clothing, music, to complete poserdom.)
Dude that girl looks just like you...shes like king of the doppelgangers.
by Mic June 14, 2004
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That werid word that that guy says on that commercail. Someone tells him to stop making up words and then he says "spittlefrickle," meaning, god damn it mother fucker you are an ass hole for telling me to stop making up words you peice of shit hoe! or just saying "darn"
Gosh you caught me sue, "spittlefrickle"
by Mic August 6, 2004
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