37 definitions by Mic
A child hood game that often makes no since what so every. Such as this one that i heard just yesterday.
Knock knock, whos there, bannan, bannan who, arent you glad i didnt say orange?
Knock knock, whos there, bannan, bannan who, arent you glad i didnt say orange?
by Mic August 6, 2004
an inncessently monterous doppleganger
by Mic June 14, 2004
by Mic August 5, 2004
what ugly people look at 100 times a day to see if they look ne betta, no it doesnt work, my brother has tried it already
by Mic August 6, 2004
A dick that is extremly floppy and long, often has trouble getting erect and may need to use viagra. If erection lasts longer than 4 hours after taking the viarga pill, you need to seek major medical attetion
Dude, you have a "donkey dick"
by Mic August 5, 2004
A fart nugget accours when you are with a group of friends and you feel a little gas coming on. You feel very excited because you want to but on a good show for you friends. You push extremly hard and then, pooooop, you shit your pants with a hard turd. Luckly for you, you can make a swift move to 2 restroom before anyone notices becasue your ass wont we wet and brown, only brown. You should be able to clean you panties with a few sheets of Toile paper. If there is no brown left on your white panties, CONGRADULATIONS, you have succsefully ddroped a "Fart Nugget"
by Mic August 6, 2004
by Mic August 5, 2004