121 definitions by Matthew

Ma Man Fat Joe doing His thang doin da lean back da hottest song and dance of da summer take dat white people yal whites need to learn to dance
by Matthew January 26, 2005
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Heart of ice, of a snowy nature
A type of tundra
1)That Niveous fellow aint human....merciless and relentless.
2)The worst snow storm we've ever had was a light niveous of powder.
by Matthew July 10, 2004
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The name of a 1986 album by Van Halen.
5150 is the greatest album ever to be released.
by Matthew September 28, 2004
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good, sweet, alright, comfortabe
im cushtie wit at
meaning i am compfortable with that

or if someone says how are you u say cushtie
by Matthew February 11, 2004
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An evolved version of player or playa. It simply means a person who is damn near the coolest person on earth. There are only very few known pleyuhhh's.
Yo wassa pleyuhhh? You are freakin awesome!
by Matthew November 27, 2004
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The part of the female body, also known as the vagina, in it's most ferocious, and prodigious form.
OMG, a thundercunt! Run!
by Matthew January 1, 2005
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As well as being the best game ever made it is the game that brings us the new "All your base are belong to us". By bringing you You're Winner or to the hardcore fans You're Winner!
by Matthew January 21, 2004
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