121 definitions by matthew

SB E-mail #85
E. Fullmer wants to know what the advancements of Strong Badia will be in 2 years because he is going on a long trip and he wont be able to check out homestarrunner.com for 2 years.
by matthew September 30, 2003
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A complete and total dumbass; a moron oblivious to their surroundings; one who is unable to grasp the obvious.

Derived from the character of Sheldon Sands in the film Once Upon a Time in Mexico.
I can't see, fuckmook, I have no eyes!
by matthew May 10, 2004
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Any amazing technique whose name you can't pronounce easily; an astounding skill or ability that someone has.

Derives from the English-language dub of the anime "Rurouni Kenshin", in which Lynn Fischer was prone to (understandably) flubbing the pronunciation of Kenshin's sword techniques.
Then he dove at his enemy, and unleashed the....kerplinkerdinker!
by matthew May 10, 2004
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To get something to drink.
the act of bevrication
I am thirsty so I will bevricate before we go to the store.
by matthew October 26, 2003
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A Waggamomma has Baby Hands, Baby Feet, Scared of almost everything..just like a little kid. A sweet, beautiful, charming, generous, good-humored, good-natured, heavenly girl named Raquel. Some call her Raquel, some call her Kel, I call her mine.

and waggamomma
I miss and E> my waggamomma.
by matthew January 17, 2005
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My heros!! i could never stay interested in a team that sucks so much
by matthew December 12, 2003
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