19 definitions by Matt11111


1. A term used when deciding.
2. A term used with joy.
3. A singing note.
4. Other uses.
5. Other uses.
6. Other uses
1. Hmmm.
2. Hmmm.
3. Hmmm.
4. Hmmm.
5. Hmmm.
6. Hmmm.
by Matt11111 December 28, 2011
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Rubik's Cube

A puzzle cube that was created by Hungarian sculptor Erno Rubik. There are exactly 43,252,003,274,489,855,999 different scrambles for a Rubik's Cube, and 1 configuration that is right.

There are many different sizes of Rubik's Cube, and the statistic above is from a 3x3x3.
Matt: Hey, Max!
Max: Hi, Matt, can you solve my Rubik's Cube?
Matt: Well, I dunno--YES! (solves in 2 minutes)
Max: WOW! You are amazing, Matt.
Matt: Thanks. Now I have to show someone how to eat a cupcake the right way.
by Matt11111 January 3, 2014
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Fibonacci sequence

A mathematical sequence starting with zero and one. To find the next number in the sequence, add the last two numbers in the sequence.
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987. These are the Fibonacci sequence numbers before 1000.
by Matt11111 November 25, 2011
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An interesting and cool email service. You will not receive a lot of spam.
by Matt11111 November 25, 2011
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A mathematical sign that shows that the total is coming right up. Every day when you do math, the = sign is necessary.
2*100=200. (Translation: two times one hundred equals two hundred.
by Matt11111 November 27, 2011
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airplane fail

A nickname for someone who drives a remote-controlled plane and the plane crash-lands.
Man 1: Hey, airplane fail.
Man 2: My remote-controlled plane did crash-land.
by Matt11111 January 1, 2012
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