34 definitions by MF
The number someone or a bot adds to the channel limit (shortly) after someone has joined, for flood control purposes.
by MF March 17, 2005
Pestilence of fansubbing that has lead to the acronym "aj" meaning "absolute junk". Complete disregard to any asian language, namely Japanese and Korean.
"your f*cks and your tradors!!!"
"Prelude of the Baridegi princess (Scrapped Princess 1)"
"Mass naked child events"
"Prelude of the Baridegi princess (Scrapped Princess 1)"
"Mass naked child events"
by MF January 27, 2004
An instance when a female looks good from a distance. Soon to find out they are one ugly bitch, up close.
by MF September 6, 2002
by MF January 8, 2004
To eat poopy underwear while sucking a dick when yur having a heartattack so much that causes yur cum to go in yur brain and kill you.
by MF February 3, 2005
A shyte is a measure of information - usually on a computer. One shyte equals one byte. A shyte is used to measure corrupt data, bad programming and rubbish on the internet.
A spam message might contain 5 kiloshytes (KS), a virus-infected file attachment could be 1.5 megashytes (MS) in size, a bad sector on a hard disk might take up 3 megashytes. Something measured in gigashytes (GS)can be left to the imagination.
by MF April 13, 2004