39 definitions by MDawg1491


Nothing sues a rusty bumper like Rusteze!
by MDawg1491 June 29, 2023
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Howard The Duck

Apparently the most powerful Marvel character in the MCU who makes brief cameo's in the Guardians of the Galaxy universe.
Some MCU fans watching Gaurdians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
MCU Fan 1: Wait! Rewind! See that duck?
MCU Fan 3: Yeah.
MCU Fan 1: That's Howard the Duck. The strongest character in the whole Marvel Canon.
MCU Fans besides MCU Fan 1: Thats fucking stupid.
MCU Fan 1: Oh yeah? Read these.
MCU Fans read comics of Howard the Duck being the strongest.
MCU Fan 4: Oh my god!
MCU Fan 2: Did that duck just wipe the floor with the Beyonder and The Man above all?!
MCU Fan 1: Told Ya.
by MDawg1491 June 29, 2023
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The Cleveland Show

A Very underrated Family Guy animated sitcom
Guy 1: The Cleveland Show Sucks
Guy 2: No it's not. It's just underrated.
by MDawg1491 June 29, 2023
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Sonic Prime

A Sonic Show on Netflix that has a good plat and neutrally written Characters. Gives us Prismatic Sonic (A New sonic form) & is canon to the games. Not an energy drink.
Guy 1: Have you watched Sonic Prime?
Guy 2: Is that an energy drink?
Guy 1: No, Its a good show.
by MDawg1491 September 12, 2023
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A Fan remake of a version of a game with the same name on the Sega Game Gear. Made by Noah Copeland
Guy 1: Have you played Sonic Triple Trouble 16 Bit yet?
Guy 2: No, What's that?
Guy 1: A fun sonic experience. You haven't lived until you played this.
by MDawg1491 June 29, 2023
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Where you get Cinnamon rolls and where Criminal Lawyers come to die and/or faint of anxiety of getting caught.
by MDawg1491 September 5, 2023
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