172 definitions by LudwigVan

A common expression of dismissal. See also piss off, fuck off, eat shit and die.
by LudwigVan March 12, 2004
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Aussie slang for beauty, something or someone beautiful.
Oi mate, that sheila's a beaut! Is she single?
by LudwigVan October 1, 2004
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1) In Islam, a forbidden activity, food, drink, or thought. Examples of haram things are: eating pork, drinking alcohol, having sex at daytime during Ramadan, extramarital sex, neglect of prayer and fasting, and blasphemy.

2) In the slang of Arabic and languages influenced by Arabic, anything evil or sinful. Forms compounds like Arabic ibn haram 'bastard' (lit. 'son of sin'), and Malay anak haram (also meaning 'bastard').
Uh, isn't making out in a mosque kind of a haram activity? I don't think it matters if you're married.
by LudwigVan August 24, 2004
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The proper Arabic word for bellydance, which translates to "eastern dance".
She studied raqs sharqi while living in Cairo.
by LudwigVan April 6, 2005
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Persian for "a fart", especially a loud one.
You try to hold it in all day, then you let out a massive gooz in your sleep.
by LudwigVan November 10, 2003
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Someone who commits acts of terrierism.
by LudwigVan December 19, 2003
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