35 definitions by Lucas

A user of Macintosh computers, an Apple fan.
"So did you get caught out by that annoying (virus/worm/trojan)?"
"Nah, I'm a Mactard"
by Lucas May 28, 2004
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The true name of a Snake made up by mah idiotic friend, Snakle Numbah 2.
"Me and Bullet (his friend) were playing Rouge Spear late at night. My name was Snake and suddenly bullet says Snakle. I was just playing around but it really annoyed him that I made fun of his misspelling of the word. I set it as my name and since then every first person shooter I've played, my name has been Snakle... I'm a true Metal Gear fan, but I believe that Snake was suppose to be named Snakle!"
Snakle really pwned him!
Aw, Raiden pwned the Snakle.
Snakle? I want a Snackle!
by Lucas January 25, 2004
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A sexual manovere in which sum 1 proceeds to jump and land on there front will giving sumone a buttfuck
Jim gave micheal a huge sphincter slam.
There was blood every where
by Lucas January 1, 2004
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What Aulbire says because it seems to be less than 'drunk' when she doesn't wants to admit that she's fucked up.
Im ok, Im just krunk.
by Lucas July 2, 2004
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When something is all pimp with its electronics
That car is pimptronic.
by Lucas January 23, 2004
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The man all girls are attracted to.
He's such a jerk, yet all the girls go for him!
by Lucas April 18, 2004
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A cat themed variation on a happy face (usually ^_^). The equal sign indicates whiskers.
Yay, James finally dumped that skanky ho Melissa, now he'll stop being a douche! =^_^=
by Lucas April 10, 2005
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