14 definitions by Lovekraft

When evidence is presented of one's physical assault on a spouse/significant other, the act of mumbling inane excuses such as memory-loss. Named after Chris Brown's appearance on Larry King.
"I don't know how she/hot hurt, it was all so confusing. I must have ... mumblemumble."

"That's just a bunch of brownbatter. You need help."
by Lovekraft September 5, 2009
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The vacuous drones who worship at the altar of Oprah Winfrey. Mainly made up of middle-age feminists and women with penises.
I tried to have a rational debate with a co-worker today. Turned out she was one of Oprah's minions. Ugh.
by Lovekraft December 31, 2009
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To nominate someone. But put in modern terms, it is to be overly pretentious, thinking hollywood award show nominations mean anything to the regular joe.
Kevin Spacey is such a stellar actor. I am not surprised he got the nod from the academy.
by Lovekraft January 14, 2009
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What you call your new pair of winter boots that give you blisters and other pain before being worked in.
Man, my feet are killing me. It'll take another week to work these blister boots in.
by Lovekraft January 28, 2009
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when there is no bottle opener handy, slamming the bottle top on a hard surface to release the cap.
- Where's the bottle opener, dude?
- Who cares! Stamp it on the coffee table.
by Lovekraft December 11, 2008
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The common trend of single mothers who are unable to fully free themselves from motherhood, thus stifling growth in any relationship she tries to establish.
"You don't care about my children!"
"Of course I do, it's just that we never get to spend time together alone. You're a mom-aholic."
by Lovekraft February 3, 2009
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After taking a massive dump, when looking in the toilet to marvel at your handiwork and find ... nothing!
I swear I just passed a football but when I looked, nothing was there!? I think I took a phantomcrap.
by Lovekraft January 16, 2009
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