9 definitions by Logz0r

when you get hit in the ballsack so hard that it turns blue

often happens while attempting scateboard tricks
holy shit that guy just bluebagged himself >_<
by Logz0r March 16, 2004
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The weapon of choice for logz0r, basically a trebuchet, fired from the shoulder... fires concrete slabs
muahahahaha motherfucker!! my slabzooka just raped your ass with slabs made of concrete >_<
by Logz0r March 16, 2004
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A big fat ass wooden thing that shoots rocks really fast. Looks like a catapault only cooler, and it has crazy ropes and stuff
I killed you with my big fuckin trebuchet... HUZZAH!
by Logz0r March 16, 2004
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The way stupid homosexuals go at slamming the shit (literally) out of eachother... remember... ribbed condoms for better traction in the mud ;)
HAHAHA you fag.. you like teh bumsecks =P
by Logz0r March 22, 2004
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I concur wholeheartedly my african american brethren
man1: that is dumb
man2: for shizzle my nizzle
by Logz0r March 16, 2004
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holy shit Dustin I just put fagz0r in the scrabble game... why is your grandma laughing?
by Logz0r March 22, 2004
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