167 definitions by Lisa

What you suffer from after making out with someone who is afflicted with this reptile virus
Enjoying a heavy make out session when you suddenly feel like you are making out with an alligator because they are eating your face alive and their body gestures are that of an alligator during a feeding frenzy
by Lisa March 7, 2005
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Great fucken' city on the east coast. Pricey as hell(that comparison makes no sense I know), but well worth it. Home to many great bands, shows, events and anything you can think of. Also has some of the highest quality men. Speciifically in Greenwich and East Village.
New York City is a cool as town, motherfucker...now back the hell off.
by Lisa October 25, 2003
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Fat stupid hat that ruled the Hawaiian islands way back when
He had kankles too
King kankles
honk if you think my kankles are sexy
by Lisa January 1, 2005
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Extremely cool person who rules the office world.

Please see: farquad / noonie.
Hey crankbait, good job at the office today!
by Lisa February 28, 2005
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Weed is somethin u smoke and its great!
weed is a plant thats grows from the ground...if got didnt like it it wouldnt be found..so all you preps who never got high...shut the hell up and give it a try
by Lisa March 23, 2005
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I met him and got to hug him. And he definately is one of the coolest people I have ever met!
by Lisa November 14, 2003
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he's always been there when I needed him he is a HC friend
by Lisa June 16, 2003
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