13 definitions by Lil thong

A place such as the local pancake restaurant where hot chicks give blowjobs and smoke weed.
Hey Jennifer, did you give a blowjob to Chris at iHop or was it called the International House of Blunts and Blows?
by Lil thong October 24, 2018
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when all the high school girls start talking shit behind each other’s backs.

also used by the acronym bgb
Hey Keisha! I heard you said Sophia was talkin’ shit.
Yeah, bitches gone bonkers...
by Lil thong October 14, 2019
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It's that time of year when it gets colder, girls need sweatshirts, and some need copped. It's hoe season! November 1st to February 10.
Are you dating Jennifer?
Oh yeah and Keisha, you know it's hoe season!
by Lil thong October 17, 2019
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When someone talks big but their game weak and you know youre better than them.
Someone: yeah I bet I can beat your ass
Me: aight run me up then
by Lil thong April 17, 2019
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The language learning app that is fun to compete with your friends in during class.
Yo pull up on some DuoLingo, I'm winning now.
by Lil thong September 23, 2019
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The classic woman who thinks she is entitled to anything and everything that has to do with rich quality. She drives a Range Rover and owns multiple Louis Vuitton bags and is possibly the CEO of a company.
Damn! Did you see Betsy's receipt from Louis Vuitton? 5 bags, what the fuck bro.
by Lil thong September 23, 2019
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