14 definitions by Langdon Olger

verb. to use spiritual enlightenment for self improvement which results in permanent change.
We don't just evolve, we bevolve. Be your evolution!
by Langdon Olger January 6, 2011
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When someone you are talking to is critiquing elements (you provide) of the conversation:

1. with their friend who is listening at the same time.
2. in their head as a mental note which results in a period of silence and delayed response.

Note: The critiquing must occur during the conversation and not after, as that is termed as logging instead. Critiquing before is remote judging.
example 1 :
You to Person A: Hey there, Mr. Brown-Shoes! How about that local sports team!

Person A to Person B: Can you believe this guy trying to sound like Monty Burns...

You to Person A: Hey man stop debugging me...

example 2:
You to Person A: Hey there, Mr. Brown-Shoes! How about that local sports team!

Person A (thinks): Oh my god, this guy sounds nothing like Mr Burns.


You to Person A: Stop debugging me!
by Langdon Olger September 16, 2011
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An interjection used to remind another of the obviousness of what should be done.
LO: What else to do while waiting for code to compile?
CA: Psht! Listening to the Tranceformers YT channel...
by Langdon Olger July 12, 2015
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A state of Great Awareness similar to the oneness experienced through contemplative meditation, however achieved during physical exercise.
eg, you can achieve Gareness through long bike rides
eg, a person can reach a state of Gareness when the physical is transcended while experiencing muscle burn
eg, Dude, you totally won that race because you were in Gareness.
by Langdon Olger January 12, 2009
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One who has achieved a state of Gareness
eg To the masses, they attribute his success to his physical fitness when in reality it is because he is a Gare.
by Langdon Olger January 13, 2009
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the process of bevolve-ing or the process through which one bevolves.
The bevolution of man is being given an increasing amount of attention of late.
by Langdon Olger January 6, 2011
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