14 definitions by Langdon Olger

Someone who opens their yap when things get hot.
Lou: Er Chief something about that looks fishy
Wiggum: You got a suspicious mind. You remind me of that Elvis song Clambake because you open your yap when things get hot.
by Langdon Olger September 11, 2015
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The feminine manifestation of jebus. It is believed it was first used outside of the Julian Calendar in the time of prehistoric Jebus, where Jebus takes the form of a dinosaur and makes noah build an Ark out of bread.

It is also speculated that Leebus is derived from Sanskrit where Lee (is from Lee which means the great one).
Dude A: Leebus! Did you see what she did?
Dude B: Totally dude....
by Langdon Olger July 22, 2009
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The systematic process of intimidation by hazing an individual using digital communication devices such as a digital mobile phone.
Hazing used to be restricted to the realm of waking conscious direct social experiences. Now digital hazing will allow hazing to be more covert and seem passive.

eg. Billy was a victim of digital hazing at school. The teachers had no idea he was being hazed by the other students until they intercepted a phone with messages on it.

Digital Hazing is considered a form of psychotechnology by some governments.
by Langdon Olger November 7, 2011
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A type of homebrew stout beer made by a guy named Gus reminiscent of Guinness.
This Gusiness is a tribute to stout beers
by Langdon Olger January 10, 2009
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Someone or a group of people that sympathize with the illuminati. They aspire to be one of them by doing their bidding. Their actions often result in the demise of the average person by using financial duress or the law.

This makes them a minion of the illuminati.
Gus: Joe is a total illuminion.
Paul: Why do you say that?
Gus: He totally sold out his mates when the owners of the company brought in the new employment contracts.
by Langdon Olger February 22, 2011
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A period of time which approximates to within 4-6 weeks in Gregorian Time. It's context is specific to generic timeframes provided by inexperienced estimators.
eg It will be delivered in a Hafer.
eg It will take a Hafer to complete.
eg That operator told me on the phone it would take Hafers of time.
by Langdon Olger January 10, 2009
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