26 definitions by LaDeena
Those 2 little chub-a-longs Emily and Kaylee have such pathetic lives that they have to start drama with other people to get their jollies
by LaDeena July 21, 2008
Stephanie tried to refuse to take the paternity test proving he wasn't the father because she didn't want the other guy to find out he wasn't the father either.
by LaDeena June 3, 2006
A relationship that is filled with so much drama it feels like a bad soap opera. Starts out as a normal relationship until the Dramaholic's true nature emerges, usually set off my some miniscule happening on the other person's part.The more the normal person tries to be avoid drama, the more the dramaholic tries to create, usually with the intention to break the normal person's spirit and sanity. Usually end up as domestic violence cases when the normal person refuses to be broken down.
by LaDeena October 11, 2009
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1. A male figure who wants a child, has a child, then tries to deny the child to get out of paying child support.
2. A male figure whose child cannot stand him.
2. A male figure whose child cannot stand him.
1. Kenny blackmailed her into having that baby, but he turned out to be nothing but a sperm donor.
2. She won't even refer to him as her father, she calls him sperm donor to his face.
2. She won't even refer to him as her father, she calls him sperm donor to his face.
by LaDeena June 3, 2006
Word for the manager of a business, usually but not always fast food, who has a secret stash of twinkies or other snack cake hidden in their office.
by LaDeena June 3, 2006
Someone who spends all his time making up fake stories about his ex because he wants people to feel sorry for him.
He is a walking tabloid and the only people that will listen to his made up stories about her are the gutter trash losers that subscribe to him.
by LaDeena July 4, 2009