5 definitions by LTL

Someone who has a small dick and is bad at sex. They make up for it by “stampering” — aka pounding a girl repeatedly without strategy, hoping she doesn’t notice how small it is, sort of like stamping a bunch of envelopes.
Did you hear Amy got stampered? She barely noticed but it went on for awhile.
by LTL October 15, 2021
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What a crush leaves in your brain, as though s/he is a spider who spindled a web around your thoughts.
"I can't stop thinking about what Brandon said to me the other day! And I keep imagining the way he smelled. He totally left me with mind spiders."

"That girl Trina from the club? Her ass is on loop in my head. Girl gave me a bad case of mind spiders."
by LTL December 27, 2012
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plang is a melancholy term that is always written in lowercase and usually involves elipses. Its origin stems from a commenter on TheStreet.com who tends to hold a negative view of the world, but rarely expresses it in an enthusiastic manner. It can be used as a noun, interjection, verb, adjective, or adverb, depending on the context and added letters. (Also acceptable: plangy, planged, planging, planger)
"There's a nuclear bomb headed directly toward my house. plang."

"Don't invite Sam to the party. He's such a planger."

"the average joe should not be able to get a loan..
By plang
on 5/14/10 7:27 AM"

"without fannie there would be no real estate market.with the US 16 months into a growing depression fannie is the sole lender...
By plang
on 5/10/10 5:51 PM"
by LTL June 10, 2010
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plarf was originally meant to describe a nasty shit but is now mainly used to evoke frustration, disappointment or apathy.
(from "man, i just plarfed my brains out" to, simply, "plarf.")
by LTL August 25, 2009
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Jesus Freaks to the next extreme

Love what He does and hate what He hates
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12
by LTL March 25, 2005
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