38 definitions by Krakky McKraken

The most feared of all office animals. Usually dresses in purple and has purple hair and purple hide. Its official name is Purplepotamus Dottiensis. Its roar can be heard for miles. It is notorious for being lazy. It has a terrible temper and it is dangerous to approach it. Also known as FAPLAW, or "Fat-Ass-Psychotic-Lazy-Ass-Windbag." Looks like a cross between Mimi from The Drew Carey Show and a rhinoceros.
The Purplepotamus spends most of its free time whining and shopping online.
by Krakky McKraken July 21, 2006
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1. If you run out you can go get some in your Toyota Corolla.

2. Be careful not to get any on your feather boa.

3. You can eat some while while climbing to the top of Krakatoa.

4. Do you remember from the 80's the Ayatollah Assahola?
Granola, Granola
Granola & Beelzebub on Krakatoa,
by Krakky McKraken November 13, 2007
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Not a regular chip, it's a Muncho.
It's a regular chip, not a Muncho!
by Krakky McKraken July 21, 2006
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Another euphemism for the Pork Orc. In other words, an unwashed belligerent liar one must work for.
Zeke: I had to work through my lunch hour because Betsy thinks I came in an hour late.

Clem: Crater-faced cunt.
by Krakky McKraken November 5, 2006
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Busybody who always needs to ask where one's lunch has come from, even if it's obvious. Every ingredient must be accounted for.
Zeke: How come you didn't have lunch with us today, Clyde?

Clyde: I got caught by the phantom gourmet. Of course she had to ask me if I'd gotten my burger at Wendy's. I said, "What gave it away? The bag that says 'Wendy's' on it?"
by Krakky McKraken November 12, 2006
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A large mucus-like slob that snorts a lot and doesn't do much but eat and get fatter. Infects those around it with all sorts of diseases.
Zeke: Do you have a cold?

Daisy Mae: I caught it from the Snalien down the hall.
by Krakky McKraken November 12, 2006
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An urban "Skunk-Ape"; City dwelling relative of the Sasquatch. Often mistaken as the "Missing Link". Unkempt in appearence, of poor posture, with grimy, thin hair of varying length, and an odor that is an all-out assault on the olfactory senses. Largely unfamiliar with hygenic practices of all aspects. Often seen loping around an office digging through trash for coupons and other discarded treasures. Treats ordinary everyday roadblocks as dire, emergency situations. Extremely unskilled with the simplest of office tools and machinery.
The Skape is going nuts because the stapler is jammed! Look out! I think it's going to musk!
by Krakky McKraken July 27, 2006
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