scump” - (noun)

An individual who is presently shitting on an entire, or most of, an enemy team in Call of Duty.

*praise and hype naturally follow a “scump” by spectators out of sheer cultured respect of the skill and dominance they were honored to bare witness to*
Friend: *slaying in cod*
Friend: *gets kill*
Me: “...”
Friend: *gets 2 piece*
Me: “okay.”
Friend: *gets 3 piece
Me: “okay scump.”
Friend: *gets 4 piece*
Friend: *dies from 5v5 comp*
Me: *sigh*
by OGcodGod April 20, 2020
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noun (scumpy)
1. The sloppy, lack of knowledge, dirty, rude, gumpy type of person.
He has no types of manners man, fckn scump

He's a scumpy
by jumpboy23 October 4, 2015
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Noun- Scump in noun form is the name given to the infamous character of an urban DVD which orientated in the northern country of Ireland. ' Raw- a wickerfest Tale' began cirulation in May 2005. Scump often appreciated as 'Scump!' played a small but significant role in the feature which celebrated the 'randomess of youth'. Now that the young gentiles who created the DVD have long passed onto to other things - Scump himself remains, celebrant, and reformated for the World Wide Web.
Whilst Scump! is indeed practiced as a noun it can often be referenced to a situation of unfortunete luck combined with an attitude of disgust.

eg.'Ack balls, I think just Scumped myself'
by SMD Studios September 5, 2006
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The mix between a simp and a cuck, but not exactly being pin pointed to either. Aka idubbbz
I know you're a scump, so send me her onlyfans my dude.
You're dude: No problem, it's just a pussy.
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To "Scump" is to stand with your arms crossed, eye's diverted away from any person, and humping. This act must be all business- no pleasure allowed.

A very serious pelvic thrust to an individual whilst ignoring that same person.
Person 1: Hey man why's that guy moving all funny around that girl?

Person 2: Don't worry man... He's just scumping!
by molecricket345 January 27, 2010
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a word that describes something with a cuteness rating of unbelievable magnitude. It can be used to describe a dog or another domestic animal of that sort.


"She is a little scump, right?"
"Look at that scump run like a scump!"
by Brian Voskerijian January 6, 2007
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Another word for a spud or someone who’s an absolute knob and doesn’t know what they’re doing
Oh Cian , your such a scump why did you shoot my dog
by David beardsworth August 29, 2019
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