84 definitions by Kim


Damn she's bangin!
by Kim October 16, 2003
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the hell with it

Ah, the hell with it!
by Kim November 6, 2003
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dodge ball.

The best game where you try to knock out the people you don't like.
"When we play dodge ball today lets hit sara in the head and hopefully she'll pass out!"
by Kim October 16, 2003
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dropping the olives

a euphemism for the nasty business that happened last night, to be used in polite company
"Hey Teej, I heard you and Pam dropped some olives last night"

"Yes, Kim, it was quite messy to clean up"
by Kim April 21, 2005
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The state consisting of two seasons; winter and construction.
by Kim July 9, 2004
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"Ben likes to read the times daily"
by Kim October 16, 2003
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there was dooby people there or i aint had no square in dooby days cuzz
by Kim October 11, 2003
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