13 definitions by Kieran

To become twisted up.
When something becomes tangled up.
I had to where tighty whities instead of boxers, other wise the boxer would've gotten all b'jangled in my crotch.
by Kieran October 21, 2004
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The English and Japanese (and yes, better) name for the Sega console, namned in america and Genesis
Yay! My megadrive is better than your Genesis!
by Kieran February 28, 2004
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a)A person who hangs around either in Tesco, or in the car park of said supermarket.
oh my god Miles! You're such a Tescoface! Go on! Get out of the bin!
by Kieran February 28, 2004
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The act of scoring from the exposed underwear of members of the opposite sex. When a colour of underwear is spotted, the spotter will then shout out the score, which corresponds to the score given to the balls in snooker. This also allows plenty of gratuitous letching by spotters mates.
Red = 1 point
yellow = 2 points
Green = 3 points
Brown = 4 points
Blue = 5 points
Pink = 6 points
Black = 7 points
White = -4 points
Commando = 147 break!
by Kieran January 17, 2004
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the act of one being ivolved in a pointless argument with a gay
simon: You pedo
Kieran: whatever cucumber il not involve myself in this petty clamouring
by Kieran April 22, 2005
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