17 definitions by Kevinw05

When one being creates ridicule and disvalued untrue judgements of fictional types of human types of monsters when they become dissatisfied.
His disvalisisim diminishes his value.
by Kevinw05 January 29, 2021
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when a large group joins together to cause problems to another or a group of others with or with out comprehension of their own actions completely to get themselves killed and they are successful at it.
the majority of the citizens of the United States of America are attempting mass conspiratorial suicide.
by Kevinw05 August 23, 2022
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The power of words.

The namik of the words used as names and for name calling, which is associated with immaturity, can be very powerful when it is meant for degrading.
What kind of namik could that be?
by Kevinw05 August 8, 2022
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1. To ignore or try to ignore someone or something.

2. To attempt to ignore only to realize you just wasted a large amount of your time trying which you didn't calculate into your rebellion.

3. To be oblivious to something.
His ignorince of my attempts to get him to chat he later regretted.
by Kevinw05 June 2, 2020
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the american flag looks simerent to note book paper.
by Kevinw05 August 28, 2022
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warmth in the form of a liquid
the shower provides water as liquid warmth.
by Kevinw05 September 1, 2022
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