100 definitions by Keith

the gay male equivalent to the notorious "cougar"
what is that old dirty queer doing here on college night.....total cockwolf
by Keith April 12, 2005
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refers to the height of Keith Bonano..a 4 foot 7 midget.

man, that smurf got blue all oover him
by Keith January 23, 2003
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"It is a song from an otherworld."
by Keith January 25, 2005
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Is she being raped by a shokushu?
by Keith April 25, 2004
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the deriving of pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting or submitting to physical or emotional abuse.
by Keith April 25, 2003
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That mas was showing off his talliwacker to the bingo club.
by Keith January 13, 2004
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