99 definitions by keith


The act of slapping the penis against someone's forehead rapidly and repeatedly.
I'mma give you the best flopanini of your life.
by keith April 22, 2003
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get a short

To take a drag off of someone elses cigarette
Yo man let me get a short off that nailnail dude
by keith August 9, 2003
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banana hammock

"I think I'll wear a banana hammock instead of boxers today."
by keith November 30, 2003
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New Jersey

Place where everything is better than where your from. For example, weed. It also doesnt smell, and not everyone likes emo, because emo is gay. Home of the malls, playah
Me: you ever been to new jersey?
person: hell no i heard it smells like shit, and the people have a gay accent
Me :: pulls out 9 ::
by keith December 2, 2003
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The University at Albany, in Albany, NY
I went home for the weekend, but I'm back in the Ashtray now
by keith October 19, 2004
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To light ones cigarette off of the cigarette of another person.
Dude,my lighters beat. Let me get a turkeyfuck off ya
by keith August 9, 2003
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An uncommon flora species located only in south central New York State
Your Fonterbush is blooming nicely
by keith March 15, 2005
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