112 definitions by Katie

1. commonly used to describe the flat jazz music used in porn films.
2. used to describe the relationship (sometimes sexual) with two people.
1. The music in the porn was like 'chick-a-bount-bount.'
2. So Ashley and Johnny are all 'chick-a-bount-bount' now?
by Katie June 21, 2004
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mass-produced "punk", "goth", and "rockabily" clothing in order to erase individuality from the face of the earth.
person 1: let's go buy these cool bondage pants i saw avril wearing on MTV!
person 2: let's! oh, and let us get daddy's money from his CEO position at a large stock company!
person 1: yes, let's!
by Katie December 23, 2003
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Title for any sort of "chilling", with or without the wang actually out
Can be used by either males OR females
Rosco: "Hey man, what are you doin tonight?"
Tits McGee: "Aww nothin. Just gonna hang out with my wang out!"
by Katie November 18, 2004
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1. Something, usually a sticker of sorts; that you stick on a jar or a box to identify the contents and/or purpose.

2. A highly complicated system which is used to classify people, usually high school students; in an attempt to organize them by how they are 'supposed' to be, determined by what music they listen to, what they wear, and in some cases their income. Comparable to the caste system of ancient India.

3. An attempt to classify every band by their 'style'
1. The box is labeled 'tupperware'

2. Oh yeah, she's an emo-goth for sure. You can tell by her Converse and black eyeliner.

3. Oh yeah, their style can pretty much be summed up as alterna-punk/emo/goth/post-hardcore screamo/3rd wave ska revival/punk-core/pop/ska-pop
by Katie March 16, 2005
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An adjective retards use to describe anything that looks remotely like a hallucination you see while on an LSD trip to make themselves seem "cool" when in reality they've never even seen the stuff...
Dude, that's trippy!
by Katie September 20, 2003
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A man who hates every bone in a woman's body, except his.
Misogynists hate and discriminate against women, but they still like fucking them.
by Katie October 12, 2003
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