112 definitions by katie

Someone who does something that annoys you, makes you mad, or does something really stupid. Essentially, everyone is a poop head.
by katie April 4, 2003
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Strictly a hockey term used to describe a situation that was or could become out of control involving lots of dirty sluts and a lot of booze. This term is unknown to civilians outside the dressing room and is a word used with pride and class by some of the dirtiest hockey men alive. Strictly a class word.
"Fuck boys me and Stewy wheeled two broads last night and Stewy pissed on my broad while she was fingering Amy's asshole, it was a fucking Gonger and a half."
by katie December 3, 2003
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a card game, short for the full name, Egyption Rat Screw. I very easy game to play but confuses the hell out of people when theyre trying to learn. similar.
by katie March 7, 2005
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A type of join used in engineering to affix 2 piece of wood/metal/misc. material together.
The corner on this storage cabinet is a Flange Joint.
by katie February 27, 2005
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FFTL is a screamo band from Gainsville, Florida (except Sonny's from California, Derek is from there too, but moved to Florida to go to school. Travis is from Georgia. Matt's from Florida. Not sure where Jon is from). Matt is on guitar and does back up vocals, Sonny is on lead vocals and guitar for Kiss me I'm Contagious. Travis screams and does lead vocals on Kiss me I'm contagious and plays guitar. Jon screams or does "throat" and plays bass. Derek plays drums. Their debut EP was Asthetic with their original singer Phil and their debut albumn on Epitaph was Dear Diary My Teen Angst has a Bodycount with Sonny as their new singer, when Phil left before recording any vocals on Dear Diary.
by katie March 17, 2005
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