181 definitions by Kat

Ill means sweet or tight and na na mean poonntang...so it means sweet poontang
Do you see Shannen over there? I banged her, she got the ill na na.
by Kat August 22, 2003
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A band that changed its name to all your base are belong to us and then changed its name to get set go.
you should all go out and buy get set go's new album "so you've ruined your life"
by Kat November 18, 2003
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nonsense. lots of talk with no meaning or point.
i bantered with him all nite.
we are bishops of banter.
i like to banter.
by Kat October 26, 2003
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A teen drama unlike most other shows on television right now.
Compared to My So Called Life.

It's about 3 teenage guys who live in the suburbs in Seattle and basically how they think about sex every second and deal with their lives.

Disregard that Kelly Osbourne is in this show she's not as bad as you'd think.
Jonathan and Dino are totally f*ckable. =)
by Kat November 9, 2004
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a word concocted by the truly pitiful, however creative, species of mankind whom is un-employed.
K: I work at the Hilton. What do you do?
M: I'm self-unemployed!
by Kat November 26, 2004
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Sort of pointy, sort of sharp, very uncomfortable
"MMnnnkkndkh! That was poinky!"
by Kat October 24, 2003
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the leading appendage of the male species....see also: One Eyed Snake, Maker of the Love Mayonaise, and Love Stick.
My penis controls my every move....well, the penis is actually controlled by boobs, but whatever.
by Kat November 29, 2003
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