43 definitions by Kajoe

A totally incompetent person who has risen to his position by placing the blame on others for his mistakes, usually his subordinates. He knows the fine art of ball licking and that is how he gets his promotions. He is a "yes" man. The whole time he is polishing his manager's knob, he is secretly plotting to take over his job.

He wears loafers with tassles and pants with a fag buckle over the butt crack. He is obsessed with lint on his clothes, frequently rolling packing tape around his fingers, sticky side out to rid his pants of pesky lint. He talks with a lisp.

Boy Wonder also has problems loading toner into copiers. Instead of placing the cartridge in the machine, He opens it and tries to pour it in, resulting in an enormous cloud of toner blanketing everything in the office.

Boy Wonders are absolutely miserable to work for and with. Avoid them like the plague that they are.

Origin: "BOY, i WONDER what he fucked up now."

Greg is totally incompetent. Everyone at the company calls him Boy Wonder!
by Kajoe September 4, 2006
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hard, small caliber shit balls accompanied by copius amounts of flatus. When bearing down to take a shit, the fart gas propels the shit at high speed into the water of the toilet resulting in a wet ass.
Holy shit, I just had a supersonic shit that splashed toilet water all over my ass!
by Kajoe September 7, 2006
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A crazy animal loving aussie who's luck finally ran out.
Steve Irwin was "treadwelled" yesterday by a sting ray.
by Kajoe September 4, 2006
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When one kills one's spouse.

Named for the low rent district of Anchorage Alaska where spousal abuse is rempant due to lots of booze and weed.
Ron is single now. He went out and got a spenard divorce last week after drinking a case of Rainier Light.
by Kajoe August 28, 2006
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urine; liquid waste excreted from the kidneys into the bladder and then out of the body.
Jake whipped it out and let go of some kidney juice.
by Kajoe September 19, 2006
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He was beating off so quickly it was almost like he had a turbo fist.
by Kajoe September 5, 2006
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