87 definitions by KHD

Freedom Fries. Rectangular cuts of potato fried in hot vegetable fat and laden with calories and grease. Formerly French Fries, until a gung-ho warmongering US president, specifically George W. Bush, decreed otherwise in possible the most petty "patriotic" move possible. However, this appears to have the wrong effect - The French find the idea of "les frites de la liberté" extremely amusing. Quite frankly I can't say I blame them.

Ah well, I suppose it sums up the calibre of Bush and all those who support him. Idiots.
"It's been another stellar night for KHD. First I went out to MacDonalds and ate some Freedom Fries (chips), then I met up with my girl friend, gave her a Freedom Kiss (tongue kiss). We were making out quite a lot, and we probably would have ended up in bed if I'd remembered to pack a Freedom Letter (condom). Cos without such an item one risks the Freedom Pox (syphilis). So we just went to bed separately. When we woke up, I made her dome Freedom Toast (tartines) and brought her breakfast in bed."
by KHD June 8, 2003
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A spindly half-arsed replacement for the imposing mass of the former WTC. To cut an analogy, the WTC kicked arse and played poker to win. The Freedom Tower will most likely trip over its own feet and break even at pontoon.
"I saw the Freedom Tower today. It was a bit wishy washy."
by KHD August 5, 2004
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A Frankenstein's monster with a Charles Atlas body and a pair of silver swimming trunks. Created by Frank N. Furter, first "love" was Janet Weiss, and was killed by Riff Raff, Frank's butler. All in one day.
"Ohhh.... Rocky.... how could you??? <sob>" - Frank N. Furter
by KHD July 18, 2003
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Corruption of "owned". Used amongst gamers to describe doling out a savage beating to a fellow gamer - or, "serious pwnage".

Pronunciations range from "poned" and "pooned" to "pwooned" and "pwunned". I favour the latter pair myself.
"Well, no wonder... we were all pwned!"
by KHD July 16, 2003
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The type of diarrhoea one gets after having eaten piles of fast food.
"Argh! A McSplurry attack!"
by KHD August 9, 2003
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A silly phrase which is often followed by a completely unfunny jibe. Often used by idiots online who can't think of these things spontaneously.
"Hey! Yo mama so fat/ugly/dumb/whatever that (insert pointless metaphor here)."
by KHD September 4, 2003
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An act of masturbation when performed in a group, a circle jerk with commentary.
"Let's all have a communal kang."
by KHD August 4, 2003
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