14 definitions by Just Another Retarded Anon
The term was coined satirically, but (un)surprisingly it's become a real circlejerk on Reddit.
A bunch of children who believe themselves to be incredibly intelligent and enlightened simply because they begged their parents to buy them a $1000 graphics card.
A bunch of children who believe themselves to be incredibly intelligent and enlightened simply because they begged their parents to buy them a $1000 graphics card.
Building a PC is not mentally challenging and if you think it is, then you, my friend, are among the "peasants".
Common PC Master Race posts:
"DAE consoles suck?!??!?!!???!!!11!!one"
"muh gtx 1080!"
"Intel i7 or go home"
"I'm a virgin, but I have enough RAM to fuck multiple girls at once"
"I'll probably get mine watercooled"
"Is it strange that I jerk off to my graphics card?"
Common PC Master Race posts:
"DAE consoles suck?!??!?!!???!!!11!!one"
"muh gtx 1080!"
"Intel i7 or go home"
"I'm a virgin, but I have enough RAM to fuck multiple girls at once"
"I'll probably get mine watercooled"
"Is it strange that I jerk off to my graphics card?"
by Just Another Retarded Anon October 26, 2016
A word that's thrown around an awful lot these days. Originally reserved for very sick, antisocial individuals, people are now branded "sociopaths" for minor transgressions. A dandified way of calling somebody an asshole, if you will.
Often seen in use on Reddit and Tumblr.
Often seen in use on Reddit and Tumblr.
Person A: Did you just double-dip that chip??
Person B: Yeah.
Person A: You're not allowed to do that.
Person B: Yeah.
Person A: Sociopath!
Person B: Yeah.
Person A: You're not allowed to do that.
Person B: Yeah.
Person A: Sociopath!
by Just Another Retarded Anon October 26, 2016
A mediocre television series that has somehow amassed great popularity. Features lame acting and even worse special effects.
Person A: Did you hear about Glenn's death on The Walking Dead?
Person B: Yeah, for a moment I mistook it for a ketchup commercial though.
Person B: Yeah, for a moment I mistook it for a ketchup commercial though.
by Just Another Retarded Anon October 27, 2016
An insecure, narcissistic, vain, binge drinking, freeloading, chain smoking sack of shit. Has no actual desire to be educated. Generally views sex as the be-all end-all of life, and as such, devotes most of his time towards nailing as many drunk women/men as possible. All while wanting people to believe that he is intelligent and studious when in actuality he is anything but.
by Just Another Retarded Anon October 30, 2016
An insecure, narcissistic, vain, binge drinking, freeloading, chain smoking sack of shit. Has no actual desire to be educated. Generally views sex as the be-all end-all of life, and as such, fraternity "men" devote most of their time towards nailing as many drunk women/men as possible. All while wanting people to believe that they are intelligent and studious when in actuality they are anything but.
by Just Another Retarded Anon October 30, 2016
As the name subtly implies, this is a masturbatory act consisting of putting your fleshlight where the sun does not shine.
by Just Another Retarded Anon October 24, 2016
by Just Another Retarded Anon September 19, 2016