46 definitions by Junior

Bay area slang for far away or too far away.
Bruh, can you take me to Vallejo?

FUCK THAT, NIGGA! Vallejo is fuckin' DEEP, I ain't takin' you to no fuckin' Vallejo!

Come on, nigga, I got gas money!

You better have fuckin' Burger King money too, sheeit.
by Junior December 15, 2004
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Imagine those funny monsters high, it`s like watching Stonesmurfs
Ash? Misty? come on, dont tell me you dont see the relation...
by Junior October 31, 2003
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A mustache for the cat, or puss if you will.
woa! did you see the muustaga on the german looking naked hoe, looked like hitler
by Junior February 10, 2005
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When a person defines themselves or proves that they have a history of overcomming adversity proving their knowledge of the street and has the ability to hold themselves and their image as a person of the ghetto whether their of color or not.
This mexican kid frum cali has earned his ghetto pass.
by Junior May 25, 2004
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hicktown BabyBoomer expression referring to one's (female) beloved, regardless of how long you've been married or living together, regardless of age, regardless of how many offspring. Just a sickeningly sweet reference to how much you're still in love with her.
Me and the bride celebrated our 35th last year.

My bride and I have 5 kids.

The bride sucks me off a coupla times a month.
by Junior January 8, 2004
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"But officer, we were just necking".

"Well, put your neck back in your pantz and get out of the park."
by Junior January 5, 2004
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