104 definitions by Johnny

A level of activity that results with those engaged in the activity end up on the ground.
Shit dude! Look at Nick! He's going buckwild!
by Johnny March 19, 2005
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I had a shiotty time at my grandma's house last night.
by Johnny February 22, 2004
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To recieve, or give an owning. To Shnog someone is to own them.
"You just recieved a shnoggin'"
"Oh, you boys feel the shnoggy on that one?"
"You've been shnogged, biatch"
by Johnny January 13, 2005
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- I hate porn spam in movies!
- Why do these losers keep sending me porn spam?
by Johnny May 19, 2003
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1.) a power hungry peron

2.) One in a position of great authority, but not complete authority, so as to make backhanded insults at those he feels are below him, while keeping his tone at a safe level so as not to upset those in real power.

3.) Uneccessary snootiness or egotcentricity.
"Wow man, Jerry may be the boss' secretary, but he's a real Garva when it comes to TPS reports."
by Johnny November 15, 2003
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a very small and compact turd. Likely to have originated in the cheese producing valleys of Wisconsin during the the Clinton administration.
I tried to take a fat dump but could only squeeze out a dumpling.
by Johnny April 2, 2005
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