26 definitions by Joel67

What happens when someone gets extremely mad at you, thus implying the angry person got so mad he/she breathed fire in your face, charring your eyebrows.
Dude 1: "Man! John's girlfriend got so mad at him for cheating on her last night - she's screaming at him as we speak."

Dude 2: "Yeah, he's totally gonna have charred eyebrows."
by Joel67 October 12, 2007
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Extremely popular children's show of the 90's.

Very frightening, with excellent acting.

Beats the shit out of Goosebumps any day.
Boy 1: I accidentally soiled my pants last night after a petrifying episode of AYAOTD.

Boy 2: Man, me too.
by Joel67 May 6, 2005
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What wholesome people say to avoid swearing.
Grandmother: Oh, mother effer, I just burned my hands on this apple pie!

Granddaughter: Mother who?

Grandmother: Ahhh... Mrs. Effer... yes, she lives down the street. (Runs away.)
by Joel67 April 27, 2007
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An extremely fucked up band out of Montreal.
"Goodness me, what is that fucked up song playing on the radio?"
"A bunch of crackheads who go by the name of "Arcade Fire." They're weird."
by Joel67 May 20, 2005
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The oblique/lower abdominal muscles that guys have near their hips. Also known as d'angelo muscles.
"When the male model pulled his jeans lower, everyone could see his penis cleavage."
by Joel67 January 28, 2008
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A badge gay men can proudly wear, once they have had sexual experiences with women.
"Greg is such a flamer... He doesn't even have his vag badge!"
by Joel67 July 18, 2008
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What stupid people type when attempting to reach the popular Search engine, Google.
"Oh man, I totally just hit a craptacular virus site, I typed in googel instead of google. Shat."
by Joel67 February 17, 2006
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