74 definitions by Joe Bone

1. oversized diamond earrings

2. oversized female breasts, see hooters
1. "I got my wife new headlights for her birthday."

2. "I got my wife new headlights for her birthday."
by Joe Bone March 14, 2005
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A female devotee of Lily Pulitzer type apparel, often found at snooty upscale colleges, especially in the South.
"It sure was funny seeing that "pink and green" puking her brains out last night."
by Joe Bone March 7, 2005
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an unattractive co-ed; a co-ed that resembles a pig.

not to be confused with cohog, see quahog, a type of mollusk
"Yo I would rather lose my left nut than have to look at one more co-hog."
by Joe Bone March 16, 2005
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a female newbie, as in "girl noob"
Overheard on Halo online: "What are you goobs about 13 years old? Beat it."
by Joe Bone March 9, 2005
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1. jack rabbit feces.

2. something plentiful and omnipresent, yet nonetheless worthless.

3. nothing, or nothingness
(see jack squat)
"This here jack shit ain't worth jack shit."

Incorrect: "He don't know jack shit."
Correct: "He knows jack shit."
by Joe Bone March 11, 2005
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generic term for any dining hall or cafeteria worker; typically a person who tends the salad bar or portions out food as diners pass through the line
Salad man: "Cream on your corn?"
Customer: "Uh, no thanks, salad man."
by Joe Bone April 7, 2005
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To light one's cigarette off of another's lit cigarette.
Fraternity boy 1: "How about a buttfuck?"
Fraternity boy 2: "Sure."
by Joe Bone April 11, 2005
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