43 definitions by Jester

with the whole office in on the project the clusterfucking began
by Jester December 24, 2002
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To flip product. Meaning to sell drugs. Putting in works also means to sell drugs or to kill someone. Blues or smurfs is code for 30mg Roxicodone. Krills is code for crack. Rabbits means a bundle of Heroine. A bindle is 10 bundles (rabbits) of heroine. Flippin 8's means to sell a 8 ball of cocaine. A 8 ball is 3.5 grams of cocaine. P's or V's means Percocet and Vicodin. Rollers means cops. 1 time means cop coming down the block. Bread means money. Cheddar means money. Gat means gun. Heater or burner means gun..... Ebonics 101 is over. Stay tuned for Ebonics 102 coming soon. Earn your ghetto pass!
That playa slang dope when he was a kid.
by Jester July 26, 2014
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Generally, it's someone who writes/draws/roleplays as a furry or anthropomorph, but is dead set against anyone consitering them part of the "fandom" or calling them or their work "furry"

Do note that this term only applies to someone who mainly draws/writes anthropomorphs, and RPs them with other anthropomorphic characters. Someone who just draws the occasional bipedial wombat probably isn't a FID.
"Erikcat, we understand that you don't do the creepy shit, but face it, man, we first met on FurryMUCK; your an FID"
by Jester October 9, 2004
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A word that is used as a way of saying someone is being a jerk, dick, and or chump. It is a mix of the word "bastard" and "testicle".
That guy wearing the visor is acting like a basticle!

Salman! Don't be a basticle!
by Jester December 29, 2005
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A very unique person, who tends to jump from topic to topic during conversations. Usually asks questions when confused, which can be quite often.
by Jester February 17, 2003
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This word is used by men to describe a woman who is all of the following: fat, ugly, and nappy. This insult is most commonly used in a club after being approached by one or when trying to help others avoid them.
Pat, watch out...that C-Donkey has her eyes on you!
by Jester November 24, 2004
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Booty so bad it brings tears to your eyes.
person 1: "yo, dat beotch got onion booty"
person 2: "werd"
by Jester October 29, 2003
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