170 definitions by Jen

A person who takes things without paying for them or compensating for the taken article(s).
"This kid took half of my bagel when he asked for a bite. That kid is such a food skerve".
by Jen December 2, 2003
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used in high squeeky voice usually by girls to atract a guy
HEY!!!!!!!!! baby... watcha doin?
by Jen March 1, 2004
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a pound of the bess shit on the earth *weed*
yo i got a brick, MAN!
by Jen December 23, 2003
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1) a feminist who refuses to subscribe to logic
2) a manhater
3) dislikes all men because of the societal pressures women face, but is unwilling to concede to the fact that the sentiment is perpetuated by both sexes
4) aggressive towards men because of their sex
5) promoter of reverse sexual discrimination; often feels her sexism is justified because of the "attrocities endured by women"
6) does not adhere to the philosophy of feminism, but instead promotes a simplified, inaccurate, uniformed view
She is such a feminazi!
by Jen February 9, 2004
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the word makes reference to Vancouver, which makes the word mean cool.
oh man, that chick is so couver!
by Jen October 1, 2004
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To make someone believe that you don't know something, or that something doesn't bother you.
He was bothering me but I just played it off.
I didn't want her to know I was drinking, so I played it off.
by Jen September 22, 2003
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-A girl only made famous due to the fact she banged some ugly guy while taping it and he decided to get rich off her pasty white ass and no tits.

-A girl who has lots of money just due to her last name being Hilton. She doesnt have to work for her money, it gets handed to her on a platinum platter. She can run around with her tits hanging out for more publicity when everyones sick of her, because shes never done anything worth while and people only notice her when her "privates" are hanging out. Classy.
"Miss Hilton you must have given a trillion fucks"
by Jen August 12, 2004
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