13 definitions by JayszunVanderwerff

The circadian rhythm is the cycle that dictates what your body does when: secretions, sleep, awake, temperature fluctuations, etc; but most importantly, when it does those things.

A circadian backflip is something shift workers and people stuck on night shift experience, when they wake after dark, and go to sleep after dawn.
Person 1- "Where's Cornelius lately? I haven't seen him in months!"
Person2- "Me neither. Since he started his new job he's had a full-on Circadian Backflip. He looks just like Bela Lugosi now!"
by JayszunVanderwerff July 24, 2011
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When you're so hungry, you start getting angry over nothing. Low blood sugar.
I haven't eaten since yesterday, I'm hangry bro.
by JayszunVanderwerff January 28, 2012
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On websites such as turntable.fm, where users seek to gain points in order to upgrade their avatars and therefore their level of respect on the site, lower ranked users often experience anxiety related to being seen as uncool or as an inferior member of the community. As a result, they work hard to accumulate as many points as possible, in the shortest amount of time, so they can upgrade to a better avatar. Once they have attained the new status, they instantly revert to feeling anxiety until they can accumulate enough points to move further up the ladder and get avatar surgery again.
I've been stuck on 286 points all day...if I can get 14 more points I can finally get avatar surgery!
by JayszunVanderwerff July 24, 2011
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When tween stars such as Justin Bieber instill within you a range of emotions based on jealousy, caused by a misplaced and egotistical belief on your part that it should be you that is being adored, even though in most cases you are 30+ years old, unattractive, and have no discernible talent of your own.
(40 year old woman on the telephone)- "Did you see that Rebecca Black video? I want HER life...I got some bad tweenis envy!"
by JayszunVanderwerff July 24, 2011
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The jarring and painful realisation that most contestants or "stars" of reality TV shows get, when their short-lived fame has completely dissipated, and they have to return to regular work/life.
Person1- "Remember when (insert name here) was on X Factor?"
Person 2- "Now they're working at Sizzler again. They had a major X Fracture."
by JayszunVanderwerff July 24, 2011
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I'd like to epologise to all of you, as it is impossible for me to be there in person.
by JayszunVanderwerff May 21, 2011
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When a situation foretold in a persons own lyrics or speech could have saved their life.
When Amy Winehouse famously sang "They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said no, no no...", she winehoused in a big way. If she actually went to rehab and got clean, she wouldn't have overdosed.
by JayszunVanderwerff July 24, 2011
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