58 definitions by Jade
An ideal that, whether one believes in it or not, has kept people talking for centuries past and future.
god exists, god exists not; god exists, god exists not.
by Jade May 25, 2003
1. all-time winningest franchise in US professional sports and buyers of 27 World Series championships (one was shipped to the wrong address and never returned)
2. an identified crime family centered in New York state
3. (chiefly Bostonian) (considered vulgar) see shit
2. an identified crime family centered in New York state
3. (chiefly Bostonian) (considered vulgar) see shit
by Jade December 9, 2003
A lovely young man who enjoys the luxuries of vintage/garage styles and writing wonderful songs about love. Example New York City Cops. The Julian has a wonderful voice and pretty puppy dog eyes that match his hot-sex puppy thighs. He plays in a band that hails from New York city called The Strokes
by Jade October 15, 2003
ITs a game that lives up to its standards and have a better story line out there then most of those games out there...its the only game I know for right now or played that have decent characters and a old man that Everyones loves to beat the crap out of...for any button pushers out there they won't get passed round 2 on Ultra hard in Tekken 4.
by Jade July 6, 2003
coolest freakin SITH LORD next darth maul. no one can compare to this dark lord of the force. And what the heck is up with an old fogey as an apprentice? what the heck is this crap!!!??? Get Count Dooku the heck outta here!!!
by Jade June 22, 2003
This is a male that sleeps around with as many women as he can. Females get enough names called for their sexual exploits, the phrase slut puppy describes the male whore.
by Jade May 25, 2004