8 definitions by IOFT

It's Only F*cking Tuesday

It's a term used to express the feeling of going through a long Monday and realizing there's still a lot of the week left.
"Ugh! IOFT!"
"Ugh! It's only f*cking Tuesday!"
by IOFT October 16, 2012
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An event of excessive alcohol consumption that would seem extreme everywhere except on an early weekday in Champaign, Illinois
"Steve got totally wasted! He puked all over the apartment!"
"That's what we call a Champaign Tuesday"
by IOFT June 11, 2015
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1. That trick was so tall!
2. How did you do that math homework? You're so tall.
by IOFT April 19, 2011
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The detached mental state that Asian students acquire during a rigorous finals week that often includes limited senses.
"Look at all of the Asian zombies. They're just shuffling their feet and running into things. Must be finals week."
by IOFT December 30, 2015
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v. The act of introducing a new product with "Plus", or simply "+", appended to the name. This is common especially for freemium models.

Examples: Google+, Apple News+, Duolingo Plus,...
Apple will plusify their News app. It's called News+.
by IOFT June 4, 2019
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A condition exhibited in low-income caucasian teenage females in which the subject's forehead appears full, puffy, and covered in cheap makeup.
I left swiped that chick because of her unattractive poor girl forehead
by IOFT March 6, 2015
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An episode of extreme emotion, typically anger and frustration, associated with the intense stresses brought on by being in the Electrical and Computer Engineering programs
"Bob had his ECE Freak-out! Hey threw his pencil down and stormed off yelling about his homework!"
by IOFT December 30, 2015
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