14 definitions by Hot Carl

It's when you come in a woman's eye, then punch her in the face repeatedly until she is bleeding excessively then laugh and declare yourself a pirate.
I got arrested last night for sticky mando'ing some fat whore.
by Hot Carl July 27, 2003
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its like a hot carl except in ur ear
give me a hot ribokas!!!!
by Hot Carl May 13, 2004
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its when you take cellophane and put it on your ear and then someone shits in it
I was so drunk, I even gave this one girl hot ribokas and she started crying.
by Hot Carl May 13, 2004
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Man i want to give her the H.B.I. so bad tonight.
by Hot Carl December 12, 2003
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A man that sucks the ejaculatory juices out of another man's ass, following a brutal assault in the anus.
Leif, your so naughty, get your felch monging head outta my caboose.
by Hot Carl February 20, 2005
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1.) the act of impregnating a woman and leaving and having no contact withthe family or child (ah I've created yet another bastardized child)
2.) when a acqaintance does something really shady ( screw that asshole and his bastardized ways)
I came up with a bastardized plan to nut in all my bosses drawers.
by Hot Carl November 24, 2003
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The process of cleaning a stankpuss, with a vinegar and water solution. Alternate methods may be used.
whisky sour deuche
chechnyan deuche
She needs to deuche that smelly twat.
by Hot Carl May 8, 2003
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