122 definitions by Happy Christian

For some reason, won't date Alyssa because they would have a relationship of intense lust , sex, and romance. He wants to avoid a good romance for some reason. When you look at him, oh he's so sexy. I wouldnt say he's hotter than John because tracing back to biblical times they were the sons of thunder. James is tall, sometimes too tall and skinny. He will have a friendly relationship with practically anyone whose name comes close to Alexa like Alisha however she just lives for all their romantic moments.
When your under the influence of a James, they do good favors for you. One time he spoke my name through his car speaker. And you just gotta pray more and more :)
by Happy Christian September 30, 2020
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He's the best boyfriend upgrade and does a much better job as a lover than Richard . A James will only stick by you for a few months though and just forget about you and move on. Also is not the kind of person who would long to see his old girlfriend he will just not care about you after 4 months. Has a Dad that will take you in and just spit you out after awhile.
James is a lot more active to the naked eye and really interacts with girls and gets close to them. His best bet are religious girls who know how to take care of him and his dad
by Happy Christian September 30, 2020
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He will most likely never date a girl with an A in her name because they are the best girls to date and that's reality. These people will side with you then leave you, yet their romantic abilities when they take you in is totally of another kind :)
James and Alyssa are the best lovers that will one day go down in history
by Happy Christian September 30, 2020
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He tops Christian, Ricardo, Miguel. He's in love with Alyssa and they also have a family connection that goes way back to the bible. James and John were brothers and the sons of thunder and. Alyssa and John are siblings, get it? James is drop dead gorgeous but for some reason doesnt come from good gene parents. His face is gorgeous and body is perfect like a barbie
James was goodlooking until I got to know whats behind it all
by Happy Christian November 20, 2020
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A James will most likely get taken down by a girl (because hes so hot and playful) and plus he does really insured things like holding you during sex and touching you the right way putting your panties to the side. Unfortunately a James was meant to break your heart when you arent the only girl and then you see some blonde slim girl twerking with him.
You thought you had it until you realize James has a girlfriend. He doesnt always date the pretty girls but somehow hes frozen to date Alyssa because deep down inside they are star crossed lovers and she brings happiness to his whole world because she blesses his family.
by Happy Christian November 20, 2020
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Gives you moment by moment blessings. He is worshipped for being a skinny/tall kind of statue. The typical James has brown or dirty blonde hair and you will rarely fall for the ones with black hair. You want him when unfortunately 70 other girls are applying for that position. He will never live up to what a faithful lover is and will most def commit adultery with you in the first month together
by Happy Christian December 27, 2021
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Hes most of the time a white guy and sadly only lives for the moment so when hes gone, your going to feel so empty. They go big for every occassion and is a yielding type of boy so he pretty much lets you do anything you want with him. He could use all your prayers. The only way to conquer this guy is to use religion to the best of your strengths and he does not tolerate bullshit or bullying. In one video post his voice is loud enough for an assembly or conference.
James is so cool because he just goes so raw in all things and he speaks very pure English. If there was one girl he would stay with forever, its Alyssa. Sorry girls, but they will soon become part of Gods plan as a million dollar couple and their Dads will have more money than God. They are Bonnie and Clyde, Adam and Eve, Romeo and Juliet so none of you girls got a chance with Alyssa
by Happy Christian November 20, 2020
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