23 definitions by Gus

Word used by upper-class twats when asking to borrow a device with which to restore power to a mobile phone.
"May ay hev a lend of your chargar?"
by Gus December 14, 2003
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person who kisses fellow workers at work party when drunk
Did you meet a "sheldo" last night?
by Gus April 1, 2005
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grosssssss did u see that thing?! wat an amphibian
by Gus July 9, 2003
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When you go down on a chick who is on the rag. Consequently you pull out piesces of uterin wall in your mouth then spit it out like orange juice pulp.
Julie was out of heavy flow tampons so I gave her a zigler as a substitute.
by Gus February 10, 2005
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A sexual position in which one partner latches furiously onto the other's anus, and the later must drop several "bombs" in order to get the former "off."
1- "Did you hear what Paul did last night with Sue?"
2- "No, what?"
1- "The Inverse Metroid."
2- "What's that?"
1- "He latched furiously onto her anus."
2- "Oh, that explains the series of explosions I heard last night."
1- "...wait a minute. I thought 'bombs' was a euphemism for 'defecates?'"
2- "Hmm. And here I thought Paul was a euphemism for 'Bomberman.'"
(They embrace)
by Gus September 14, 2007
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Any act of masculinity that is just below a Arnold.
There is no way you can do 500 chicks at the same time, be a hasselbeck and only do like 300.
by Gus June 2, 2004
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