968 definitions by Gumba Gumba

(n.) a bunch of guys standing or sitting while facing the same direction and jacking off to a photo or something. As each ejaculates they shout "NAPOLEON". The last to do so has to wipe the rest of the cum away. The winner usually gets to keep the object of affection until the next boner party.
I've never won nor lost a boner party.
by Gumba Gumba May 26, 2004
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Something which is actually lower in the US than many other countries.
Adult litweracy rates:

USA, Austrailia- over 95%

Cape Verde, Africa -71.6%

Bahrain- 85.2%

Uk, France, Netherlands,Georgia, Eire, Japan, Russia, Nauru, Canada - 99.9%

Azerbaijan- 97.3%

Maldives 93.2%

Sri Lanka - 90.2%


Uzbekistan - 97%

Turkmenistan, Trinidad and Tobago 98%

Barbados- 97.4%
Kyrgyzstan - 97%

South Korea- 98%

North Korea- 99%

Vietnam- 93.7%

Phillipines- 94.6%

Brunei- 89%

Cambodia- 38%

China- 82.2%

Tonga- 93%

That's a selection of countries and their adult literacy rates. Isn't it funny that the USA, who is best represented on this site has a lower literacy rate than the former USSR countries.

I is teh klevar gooboo!
by Gumba Gumba April 8, 2004
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Hollywood muscleman with an impressive array of bodybuilding titles, including multiple Mr. UNIVERSE, Olympia and World. Even has his own bodybuilding competition. The king of one liners
"If it bleeds, you can kill it"- Predator

"Fuck you, asshole" - Terminator

"Hasta la vista, baby" - T2

"I'll be back"- T1

by Gumba Gumba February 20, 2004
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millions of people in a room arguing over who's gonna go first before they're washed up the urethra with cum and squirted into a sock.
My sperms were mass debating.
by Gumba Gumba May 27, 2004
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See so yesterday

(adj.) bringing up a conversational topic that has already ended.
a: So what do you think about iraqi Priso...

b: oh that was so ten minutes ago... where you been at?
by Gumba Gumba May 26, 2004
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(n.) A second helping of something, such as food or blowjobs.

(n.) Products that have a fault, and have had the price adjusted accordingly. Manufacturers seconds.
I came back for seconds

I found some neat stuff in seconds- a shirt with three arms, trousers with one leg longer than the other, boxers with a hole in the back, boots without bottoms, it ruled!
by Gumba Gumba May 30, 2004
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