5 definitions by Firehawk21_2001

1.) When a woman is giving a blow job or (Saugen mein weiner schnitzel)

Eg.) " I made my girlfriend - saugen mein wiener schnitzel!"

2.) Slang for telling someone to suck you cock or (Saugen mein weiner schnitzel)

Eg.) " Why don't you saugen mein wiener schnitzel & shut up"
by Firehawk21_2001 August 25, 2012
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A reverse phrase for testing someone who has been drinking by seeing if they understood what you said. If they understand, they are probably drunk.
I asked Anna if she was duckin' frunk and she understood and said no, which means she was.
by Firehawk21_2001 February 21, 2020
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The act of having anal sex and then getting a blow job immediately after.
My girlfriend wanted to try something new, so I gave her an Alabama pudding pop.
by Firehawk21_2001 February 19, 2014
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To be so intoxicated that you're way past high or drunk and almost to the point of passing out .
I've drank and smoked so much today I believe I'm blisterpated!
by Firehawk21_2001 February 21, 2020
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1.) An anti-personnel device that is designed to damage its target with explosive power alone.

2.) A type of fart where hopefully the Boom warns you before the Shock wave hits, usually resulting in holding one's breath and calling an O-ring repair doctor.
1.) "The perpetrator was neutralized by a concussion grenade."

2.) "Oops! Did u just hear that concussion grenade, quick plug your nose!!"
by Firehawk21_2001 March 6, 2014
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