5 definitions by Festus

Short for simpleton; A simple minded person; someone unintelligent or foolish person
Adam and Keenan are simpies indeed, but Snake is the biggest simpie of them all.
by Festus March 21, 2007
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Shelbi's are the quiet girls in the back of the class. The ones that always turn in their homework. Good Samaritan all the way around. But! Little do you know about this rare breed. They can be very funny, caring and sexual. Don't be fooled by their shyness and obliviousness. Just note once you get past that you'll have your self a beautiful girl that'll follow you like a puppy.
Shelbi is so hot! But I don't know. She seems nervous.
by Festus June 17, 2018
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A scraggly young chap who fiddles about with his guitar
by Festus March 21, 2007
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Teets of a human mother, belonging to Mowgly McCactusbeetle.
young sierra danced with glee before June's purple mommy nummies after her daily meal of tofu at the nursing age of 7 years.
by Festus March 21, 2007
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The act of farting through one's penis.
Sara squealed with delight at the sound of Keenan's peef.
by Festus March 21, 2007
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